
Station Profile


Format & Call Letters

Classic Hits - KFMJ FM

Format Description

KFMJ FM99 The Rock is Ketchikan's Classic Hits Station!

KFMJ FM99 The Rock is targeted to reach affluent Adults between the ages of 25 to 54.

Artist Profile: We play Superstars like The Police, Queen, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Phil Collins, Journey, Prince, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Eagles, Hall & Oates, John C Mellencamp, Marvin Gaye, Cheap Trick, Billy Joel, Foreigner, Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, Supertramp, Cyndi Lauper, Kansas, Aerosmith, Goo Goo Dolls, Steve Miller, and Eric Clapton make this format one that will stand the test of time! 

eagles no3dThe KFMJ FM99 The Rock's Classic Hits music format has grown as one of the fastest-growing formats in America over the past decade.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock's Classic Hits music format has also become a very popular at work choice for listeners. 

KFMJ FM99 The Rock allows advertisers to reach a large consumer group that can’t be reached with any other station.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock'sis designed to reach active consumers in their prime spending years.

The KFMJ FM99 The Rock's Classic Hits music format continues to be one of the most top-rated formats in America for advertisers.

Demographic Profile

KFMJ FM99 The Rock has a wide demographic appeal with consumers who have purchasing power!

couple 61Age Composition: Over 75% of Classic Hits listeners in America fall into the 25-64 age group. 

- Almost 30% of Classic Hits listeners in America are adults 45 to 54 years old.
- Over 25% of Classic Hits listeners in America are adults 55 to 64 years old.
- Almost 15% of Classic Hits listeners in America are adults 65+.
- Over 12% of Classic Hits listeners in America are adults 35 to 44 years old.  
- Almost 10% of Classic Hits listeners are adults 25-34 years old.

Gender: Almost 55% of Classic Hits listeners in America are male while over 45% are female.

couple 19Household Income: Classic Hits listeners in America have high earning power.

- Over 30% of Classic Hits listeners in America have an income over $75,000.
- Almost 25% of Classic Hits listeners in America have an income of $50,000 -$74,999.
- Over 26% of Classic Hits listeners in America have an income of $25,000 - $49,999.
Over 55% of Classic Hit listeners have an annual household income of over $50,000 a year.

Occupation: KFMJ FM99 The Rock listeners are employed as Owners, Managers, or Professionals, employed as Tradespeople, employed in the Sales and Service industry, and are also employed as Administrators or Clerical staff.

Education: KFMJ FM99 The Rock listeners are well educated.

- Over 27% are College graduates.
- Over 32% have attended community college.
- Over 34%  have a high school diploma.

Investments: KFMJ FM99 The Rock targets listeners who have high incomes and invest in real estate, mutual funds, stocks/bonds, retirement programs, savings accounts, etc.

Activity: The KFMJ FM99 The Rock attracts listeners who actively participating in exercise and fitness, boating, biking, golfing, camping, hiking, and going to the cottage on weekends.

These listeners dine out frequently, attend local and regional sporting events and concerts.

Get your message out to thousands of potential new customers each week with KFMJ FM99 The Rock.

Lifestyle Profile

KFMJ FM99 The Rock listeners are in their prime earning and spending years.

construction 24

Home: KFMJ FM99 The Rock targets homeowners. A huge category with these consumers is home improvement and home decorating.

Home Spending: Started or completed in the past 2 years

- Interior painting/wallpaper
- Landscaping or yard improvements
- Plumbing
- Exterior painting/staining
- Deck/fencing
- Energy conservation projects
- Floor tiles or vinyl flooring
- Installed windows or doors
- Other home projects

KFMJ FM99 The Rock targets listeners with purchasing power in Sonoma County.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock Listeners

couple 62- Purchase a wide variety of electronic devices including computers, tablets, smartphones, MP3 players, video games, HDTVs, digital video recorders(TiVo), and digital cameras.  
- Are big consumers of furniture, major appliances, and automobiles.
- Purchased fine and costume jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, and skincare products.
- Enjoy going out to restaurants often every month. Over 50% go out more than 5 to 6 times a month.
- In the past year purchased men's and women's clothing, infant and children's clothing, men's and woman's shoes, and accessories. 

Market your business to over 20,000 active consumers each week with K-Hits.


Consumer Spending Profile

KFMJ FM99 The Rock attracts consumers that spent heavily in the following categories in the past year.

couple 43

Many of KFMJ FM99 The Rock listeners:

- Purchased books in the past year.
- Purchased garden supplies in the past year.
- Purchased flowers as a gift in the past year.
- Purchased healthcare products in the past year.
- Purchased auto maintenance in the past year.
- Purchased vacations in the past year.
- Purchased tickets to concerts and sporting events in the past year.
- Purchased pet supplies in the past year.
- Purchased small appliances in the past year.
- Purchased a vehicle in the past two years.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock targets listeners with retail purchasing power.

community 3We Are Ketchikan

KFMJ FM99 The Rock has committed to super-serving the community. The station has a strong focus on local events, issues, entertainment, civic functions, as well as, charitable causes. We take pride in being an important part of the fabric of our community.

At KFMJ FM99 The Rock we love taking part in community events and getting behind local causes that affect our listeners.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock is extremely proud of its commitment to actively supports hundreds of worthwhile causes.

Award-Winning Radio

KFMJ has won numerous awards for its Commercial, Public Service, News, and Comedy content from the Alaska Broadcasters Association, starting in 2002.

The awards won by the station, by year, are as follows:

Best Radio Commercial - Series - Division 2: "Narrows Inn - Thornlow's Bar"

Ketchikan aba2003
Best Radio Commercial - Series - Division 2: "WestCoast Cape Fox Lodge: Great Chefs"
Best Public Service Announcement - Single Entry - Division 2: "I've Got Dreams"

Best Promotional Package - Division 2: "KFMJ Radio Fishing Derby"
Best Public Service Announcement - Single Entry - Division 2: "All-City Halloween Party"
Best Promotional Item - Division 2: "KFMJ Media Kit"
Best Comedy Feature - Division 2: "Gormley Goozley's Polka Music Challenge - Girl Scout Cookies"
Goldie Award - Alaska's version of an "Emmy" award, recognizing excellence in radio/TV broadcasting.

KFMJ FM99 The Rock Coverage Map

Ketchikan kfmjmap

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